Recently police stormed the Geo/News offices in Islamabad and manhandled the staff, breaking window panes and throwing tear gas at the staff members. Although the attacks were blamed on Musharraf, the President denies any such involvement. In fact, he has pledged his full support for the freedom of press and media, assuring the masses that all those involved in the attack would be fully dealt with, regardless of their political/governmental positions.
The President's words appear to be far from empty promises. In accordance with the President's statements, Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz issued directives for judicial inquiry into the attack on the Geo offices. Aziz directed the Ministry of Interior to order the Home Secretary in Punjab, the Punjab IG and DIG to take action against the police personnel involved in the attack against Geo and make an immediate report to the Ministry.
In fact the Pakistani government suspended 14 policemen for their alleged involvement in the attacks. The immediate action by the government demonstrates that Musharraf's government is committed to freedom of expression in the media.
The ever-growing popularity of television channels are a testimonial to the evolving political environment of Pakistan. The attacks were an effort to mar that evolution, but the regime's quick response strengthened the commitment to freedom of expression. It is a strong step forward by the government in an effort to improve information dissemination in Pakistan.
Published by East West Services, Inc.